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An A/O success story/ Project Skytzo
This thread is for Project Skytzo.

Post up pictures of the rig, if you've turned a wrench on this beast, and/or tell a story of a great A/O-ChevyKev success!

[Image: DSCF0033_001.sized.jpg]

[Image: DSCF0047.sized.jpg]

[Image: DSCF0048.sized.jpg]
HOLY CRAP! I wish I could see that thing run! Looks like it came out really well Kev!! Congrats!
all results if the KST!!
I contributed no wrench time to this project, but did get a really neat picture of it.
[Image: IMG_5803.JPG]
Nate, I hadn't seen those posted anywhere yet - thanks for the pics.
I cna't add any right now because my computer won't let me log in (I'm on Kris' right now) and the pics are stored in my computer.
Well I didn't really do much wrenching on it. I got elected to cook hot dogs for the first part. and everybody else was tackling everything. So I just threw a hand in here and there when needed. I still can't get the phrase "Pump three times and hold" out of my head.

I have some pics of it being worked on but they aren't the best of qualiy.
[Image: S5300009.jpg]

[Image: S5300010.jpg]

Kev working really hard
[Image: S5300011.jpg]

[Image: S5300012.jpg]

Pat welding away
[Image: S5300016.jpg]
[Image: S5300014.jpg]

Eric welding gears
[Image: S5300018.jpg]
[Image: S5300019.jpg]

[Image: S5300020.jpg]

And this is the only action pic I got
[Image: S5300062.jpg]
I broke it!!
Yep - it now has park, reverse, and neutral. Cool

Tranny and t-c swap imminent.

Hope to be running again ... mid-week maybe. Depends on other projects and time.
what ???? what did i miss i want info lol !!!!
well the tranny and t-case is out. we just now have to install the good one and the skitzo will be up and running again.
Kev if you need any help today or later let me know. I'm free till about 10 or so.

That goes for others as well. Just give me a call.
Mel, I will be working on this about 8 PM tonight until... not too awful late anyway. If you can make it out, great!

Have to get the garage cleaned out for Thursday AM.
Sure thing. I'll head that way. Maybe even get Gabe to sand his bumper so it can get out of your way.
MEl came by Wed PM and helped me swap the trans in the Skitzo. Then we pushed it out of the garage for garage cleaning in prep of Wagonburner's gear install on Thurs.

The swap went relatively easy and now all that is left is shift linkages, t-case and driveshafts, and fluid.

When John's Jeep drove out of the gargae Thursday PM he and Emily helped me put Skitzo back in so I can get the t-case done tomorrow hopefully.

Thanks to all who have helped all throughout this project.
looks great Kev, I'm glad you finnaly got it out of the garage but where did the new name come from?
The new name came from 2 place:

First, my old signature "A well adjusted Schitzophrenic" which came from the MMPI which is one of the best known psychological/personality tests out there that said I was "More likely a schitzophrenic who has well adjusted to his disorder"

Second - Schitzophrenics have multiple personalities
... I'm a Chevy, no I'm a Toyota, no I'm a chevy, No I'm a Toyota....

Schitzophrenic was too long
and Schitzo was pronounced ****zoo at the mud bogs by the well educated and knowledgable announcer -

So "Skitzo" it is.
well whatever it is I like it, from a guy who wheels a propane powered jeep with a Toy rear end I give it 2 thumbs up.
Thanks Jon. You would have enjoyed the club helped final wrenching to get this up and going.
This thing really turned into a bonding thing for the club. A couple of newer members really showed off their wrenching a dedication to getting this done and it was a cool mix of folks. Me, ChevyKev, Holeski, Highboy76, and Fix It holding up the "seasoned members" banner and Justin (2T2), Mel (akram), and Kelly (akdmsr) were the new guy crew
We saw some cool enginuity, welding techniques, wrenching, and good ol fashioned duct tape to get it all going right.
Gota love the spiders Big Grin
hopefully we see this on the trail again soon*hint hint*

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