29 Apr 10, 08:02 pm
akram Wrote:Winch semi reinstalled to find out I had the brake assembly wrong. Back apart and that fixed. then melted some wire just making sure it worked and figuring out which was in and which was out. Found out you can put power directly to the solid state, it draws way too much and melts the wires. Reassembled the remote, sort of, and found out which wire does which. Also figured out that I need to hook up the wires that hook up to the remote and not directly to the solenoid, for reason stated above. Now to get some more connectors and wire it in.
Also the orignal housing for the solenoid is kind of tight and makes getting it all together a little bit of a pain. So I'll build a new one with the provision to plug in the remote once I get new one. thinnest steel I have here is 1/8" so that is what I'll use. May see if I can relocate the box as well with the new housing.
I have some 16ga if you need it.