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Mud Bogg Season approaching!
Yeah it says 14 to get a pit pass. Stands? It doesn't say.

Heck even in Nascar there isn't an age limit in the stands.
No age limit in the stands. only the pits.
Mud drags are being held in Delta also. June 16 July 7 July 28/29
akram Wrote:Seeing as how the sat run is rescheduled I'll be trying to go to the mud boggs. ANyone else going to race or just watch? Races start at 1pm check in is 10am-12pm. $30 per vehicle covers driver and co-pilot pit pass. I'm hoping to have a buddy with me and if others just want to come out it's $10 for others to get a pit pass with me. Now just to find another helmet before sat for really cheap seeing as mine got sold int he yard sale. ANyone got one I can buy for extremely cheap or borrow for the weekend?

I have one you can borrow if Gina promises not to sell it in a yard sale before you return it to me! Big Grin
In a couple hours they'll be out at Cushman filming some footage for a TV spot for these mud drags...I'll get the water out of my bikini top and head down there to watch and maybe get some play time in. After last night's rain, it should be plenty gooey out there.
Thanks Kev. I'll be headed that way this evening to Mark's, or your place if he is there working, to borrow one. I'll give you a ring though if his don't fit or something.
This si tomorrow. Anybody else going to race? Who's all coming to watch?
I'm going to watch. Hope the weather stays nice.
I probably won't make it to watch now, got a few things I need to work on.
SnowAngel Wrote:More info on admission for spectators:
Adults $8
6-12 $6
5 and under Free
Seniors $5

There will be hot dogs, pizza, beer, soda....... (no booze in the pits of course)
Also giveaways including gift certificates from local establishments, hats, t-shirts and rides in the race trucks.
Pit passes are $10 each, must be at least 14 to be in the pits.

I'm out. Last minute announced spectator fees bring the lameness. I think I'll take my daughter to the park instead. Not complaining about the prices, just the last minute announcement the day before it starts, after I already made the plans to go. Hell, I can go out and mud bogg a mile away for free.
TJVigilante Wrote:I'm out. Last minute announced spectator fees bring the lameness. I think I'll take my daughter to the park instead. Not complaining about the prices, just the last minute announcement the day before it starts, after I already made the plans to go.

They've always had admission, just I never seen what it was announced until now. Last year it was $7 I believe.

TJVigilante Wrote:Hell, I can go out and mud bogg a mile away for free.

Going out and playing in the mud isn't quite the same as going out and doing some good ol' side by side racing in mudBig Grin
If they're going to have a fee for spectating, they should say that when they announce the fee to participate. they don't have to say what it is, just say that there will be something. Otherwise they're just trying to spring it on people who don't check theupdates and have never been to a prior event, like me.

I'll probably go the next time, but this time I'm not.
maybe it's just me but I would expect to pay to go to something like this just as if it was the dirt track races. Nothings free and they have to make some money for expenses some how.

Darick you going? You gonna race me?
Is it a gated off section? Who maintains the track? Is it just a section of open dirt that is used occasionally for these things? What happens the other 360 days of the year when it's not being used?

I figured the money was obtained by local donations and the fees for the racers. How much can it cost to do some flyers and internet advertising?

sure they have TV and radio spots, but they're using the same tv and radio spots (with small edits for dates) all three times I'm sure. And 30 bucks a pop among how many racers? That'll cover it I'm sure.

Saying I should expect something doesn't mean anything. If they announce fees for competitors, but nothing for spectators, it follows that there will be no fees for spectators and all expectations are moot. Why announce participant fees but not spectator fees, or at least plans to have them?

It's the principle of it all...just seems like a shady tactic to lure in more spectators and surprise them at the gates with almost $30 in spectator fees for taking their family out to see the show. It would have been $14 for me, but that's besides the point. These fees and rules should be made and announced up-front months ahead of time, not announced last-minute the day before the race. If it's not done on purpose, it's poor planning.
I do agree that they should've been posted up front. The races are held in the infield of the race track. So yes it is gated off. It is controlled access.
Well that changes things a little.

Do they take credit? :p I'm out of cash.

Eh, I'll just go in July.
Do you have any idea how much it cost just for Insurance for an event like this? Ask Ren and I think you might change your attitude a little.
How much do you pay to take your family to the movies?
I go to the movies maybe once a year. I spend most of my movie money on DVD's.

I get what you're saying. I'd go but I don't have the cash right now...I didn't know to save any for it.
No offense intended guys, but this has gotten way out of hand.

Has anyone ever gone to a race for free? That was legal? Probably not.

Snowangel, crossposting is done once in awhile, there's usually not much of an issue between the two, but once in awhile, someone hits a nerve.

No big deal, I think Joe understands now why these cannot be free. He didn't realize it.
I realized from the beginning that it can't be free. I also realize that fees should be made public much earlier than the day before. But it's settled in all respects, we can move on. If the officers feel the need to delete the posts, by all means.
I've discussed this with both of them and shed a little light on it. And so it is known they are not trying to keep the information from us. Let's get this back on track. This thread is used to discuss the races and congradulate me when I win:p Nuff said.
TJVigilante Wrote:If they're going to have a fee for spectating, they should say that when they announce the fee to participate. they don't have to say what it is, just say that there will be something. Otherwise they're just trying to spring it on people who don't check theupdates and have never been to a prior event, like me.

I'll probably go the next time, but this time I'm not.
$8 to a cool after noon. Alota stink sturred ofer $8 Mr TJV.:whistle:
Stop trying to stir up trouble Mr. Admin of MMMH. :p

(and it's the principle of it, not the money, as I've said) Wink
Changed schedule to bring the boys. Only $8, heck of a deal. I paid $10 to go to the dirt tracks back in the late 90's when I was at Beale, and that was the military discounted rate.
I had a blast last time I raced in Delta, I always had fun out there.

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