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AK 4X4r Meet and Greet
It'll be at the transportation museum in Wasilla fathers day weekend. June 15,16,17. Arctic offroad is scheduled to run the RTI.

there will be classes, events, obstacle course, and trail rides. It is a great time. Last year is the first one I've missed since I've lived here and regret it.

As for any per M&G stuff I'm not sure yet. I was taking off the whole week but that isn't going to happen. Right now I'm trying my best for taking thurs, fri and monday off. If I can get Thursday off I want to head out on Wed evening and make it to Eureka past Glenallen. then decided from there where I want to wheel. I'm going to talk to some folks from other clubs to see what their plans are. I really want to run Eska for sure so I may end up getting up early and just heading there.

So if you can go and are going post up. My dates are still very tentative. At minimum I'll be heading down for M&G itself.
I'm out.
You are missing out on some great wheeling and great fun.
Possibly, but not likely. Sad
I'm planning on taking the Friday before as well as Monday and possibly Tuesday off.

So I hope to head that direction as soon as I can on Thursday after work. Will have 3 kiddos with me.
ill be there its my birthday weekend too .. not sure wich rig but ill be there .
I would like to go. I got a new job position starting 5/20. I am hoping I can negotiate. Ill let ya know when I know.
What's the final count on who is going? I'm going but due to work I won't be leaving till Friday after work. I'll be heading back Sunday evening and Monday.
I have at trailer lines up and I will be packing up the rigs this week. I am leaving after work and should be down there around 7 am Saturday morning.
me and mikey are leaving wed ..
Not I..
cant go Sad needed two week notice, just started a new position at work. hmph. have fun guys.
who is bringing banner and stuff ?
qnd are we going to give a class ?
Do I need to bring the ramp or anything else with me?
No on the ramp. We should bring the banner though.

I will be leaving on Friday morning around 5:00 from Fairbanks.
The VP has the banner.
Wayne, I will give you the banner.
Will be home working on the house unless Kasi gets a wild hair. New driveway is getting poured Sat morning.
ill pick it up when your free im leaving with mikey tomarrow around noon .
I'm home. What a blast. All of you that didn't missed a good time. I am disappointed in myself though. I didn't take anywhere near enough pictures. And none of my midnight trail ride. Carnage was to be had as usual and some before the event even started as usual. Stories will trickle in I'm sure.

Big thanks to Wayne and family for letting everyone crash there.
The wife and I are back home now. All in all a great weekend. Thanks again to the Fix it crew for the flat grass to crash on. And a place to fix our rig.
I was going to call you but didn't know how the phone situation worked out.

I have a blue air tank I think is yours but not sure.[COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 07:53 pm ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 pm ----------

[/COLOR]I have some pics loaded onto facebook. If you can't wait for me to get them on here go check them out. I'll get some on here it's just going to be a bit. Can't do it from work and very little time when I'm not at work.
Finally got home.

Packed my pressure plate with sticks to a point that it's done. Sucks as it had under 100 miles on it.

Winched myself out of the hole after packing the plate, and after the mud bog crew showed me they didn't know what a safe hook up point was when using a tow strap.

Killed an alternator in the mud bog as well, but now have a 108 amp in it's place.

I have a few pics, not many as the kiddos were more interested in taking pics of themselves than the wheeling, plus left the camera at Kev's. Whoops.

I was really happy with my rig and it's performance till I went through the mud bog, which sent crap up to the top of my hood and then when I changed gears refused to allow my clutch to release.

And of course that was before I got to hit any of the trails. Darn it.

Big thanks to Wayne and April, those of you who didn't come missed out on some great memories. Although I could do without seeing Mel getting sick anymore.
Uploading some pics now. As long as my internet and the site cooperate I'll get more up. Unfortunately didn't take a lot of pics.

I'll post some in here eventually. In the meantime check out AK 4X4 M&G[COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 10:16 pm ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 pm ----------

[/COLOR]Some teasers of the course.
[Image: dscf4524.jpg]

[Image: dscf4525.jpg]

[Image: dscf4526.jpg]
Looks like the course is getting more refined. I like what I'm seeing.
Ole it definately changed from last time. All the logs and poles that were just laying down are gone. That nasty tree stump is gone as well. The first hill changed up with a new obstacle but the rocks are still pass side diff friendly only.

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