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Some thoughts from the 4/1/06 FCT ride
Boggy trail would be fun.
There is a reason I like smaller runs... Smile
akdsmer said
" The beginning of the run started late while we were waiting on the trailboss, who couldn't make it. Not to bag on Stompr, who had vehicle issues, but he should have called someone who was going. We were all waiting for you dude!"
Well I know I was supposed to trailboss this run but in fairness I did state in the thread the night before I didnt know if I was going to make it. Also when I spoke with you about my status you offered to "come over after 8 and help me get it going" I never saw you nore did I receive a call from you saying you wherent gunna make it, not to bag on you but you could have called to. :duel: I honestly didnt think it would be a big issue knowing that several club members where going including the VP. As I stated in the original thread my intentions where to take the group to Three Kings and back dependant on conditions, sounds like they wherent ideal and the group should and could have decided to split and turn out whenever was deemed necessary. And as far as requirements in question I didnt and dont feel a set in stone minimum is the best way to go as some smaller rigs with 33s can outperform larger rigs with 35`s Ryans requirements for 55 better address this but there is always room for leway dependant on rig and driver. Your not a member yet Kelly why does it say you are under you screen name ?
jeepin_al Wrote:Sounds like I would have been told I couldn't run anymore with this group. Who needs more rules, Arctic Offroad already has too many. Off roading isn't about rules, it is about getting away from rules.

No one is being told not to run. As a matter of fact, I think that this run showed people (including myself) that we need to be better prepared and exercise better judgement from the point the run is posted, until the time we leave the trail.

As far as getting away from rules, you should have no problems, just grab a couple friends and hit the trails. Wink

For AO's saftey, including our kids and pets, the rules had better stay.
I think some of the requirements are kinda crappy.. but I'm not gonna post in the thread and whine...

My 33s and locked rear can go places where people with 35s and a locker can go...
I don’t understand why all you that complain about the rules and trail requirements do so. The Trail Boss sets the requirements so that whole group doesn’t sit and at the same spot all day while theses that are not modified as much have trouble lots of trouble. This is so that all rig and driving levels can wheel and not sit in a traffic jam. And before someone says "well we all can be modded as much as you" you can set runs that are only up to 33" tires or no lockers I don’t care, I’m not going to start crying "why can’t I come"! You want to wheel do and stop blaming others. You set a trail ride.
STOMPR Wrote:akdsmer said
"Well I know I was supposed to trailboss this run but in fairness I did state in the thread the night before I didnt know if I was going to make it. Also when I spoke with you about my status you offered to "come over after 8 and help me get it going" I never saw you nore did I receive a call from you saying you wherent gunna make it, not to bag on you but you could have called to. :duel:

To not get too far off track...I finished at 1am on my own rig. As for an offer of many vehicles have I towed for you, just to resell? Did I fix your heater outside at -40 below. Your welcome.

STOMPR Wrote:Your not a member yet Kelly why does it say you are under you screen name ?

Don't know. Maybe because I participate as a member more than most? :eek: But since that part's off-topic, how about PMing the club president?
"To not get too far off track...I finished at 1am on my own rig. As for an offer of many vehicles have I towed for you, just to resell? Did I fix your heater outside at -40 below. Your welcome."
Dont get your panties in a bunch I wasnt dogging you for not helping me out you said something about me not calling so I said you could have called me to. As far as helping me out, it hasnt been one sided has it ? hows that new $200 plus brake controller doing for you. If you think I have takin advantage of you speek up or maybe that is what you are doing now . I think you are taking my comments out of context, and I as well my be doing the same. but dont start razzing me about sh!t and say its not baggin then throw a tizzy fit when I call you out. Is it just me or is everyone getting hypersensitive lately? And when you post up how you have helped me out suggesting I have taken advantage of you ina open forum yes I will respond to it in the open as I dont want my name slandered. As far as you being a member I asked because in your opening statements you said you where not but yet it says you are on your SN. I got no problems with you being a member who was it that hounded you to get involved with the club?
Not to sound like an ass but this is why i don't partisipate in to many club fuctions because of the whining and complaining,and as far as club requirements for trail rides,some should be set on specfic trails unless someone wants to be liable for the rig that doesen't make the grade,theres a few rigs ranging with 31's to 35's i don't feel would be capable of going were my Jeep can go and at the same point i know i couldn't follow Brads 66 but i know he would drag me around for the entertainment.What i used to see on the board with the club was if someone needed a pull or needed help fixing a rig on the trail everyone was there to help not point fingers as why they didn't,this is suppose to be fun.Since i haven't been on a run with the club and i'm just getting this from the forums if you think i'm out of place here feel free to bash.
This is a tad off topic but still holds relevance to were this conversation is going, so if someone feels it needs moved then please do so.

I started wheeling stock vehicles back in the day, did so for the first 4 or so years I wheeled. I also truly enjoy being on the trail with rigs of different makes, models, and level of modification. The reason I set forth the requirements I did for 55 mile has to do with the time of the year and conditions we will encounter, I really don't want to sit there all day watching people struggle. Pretty much every trail ride I've participated in with this club has had stock rigs along, and I truly would like to try a run with just some of the more modded rigs to see what it's like. Are the requirements totally fair? Most likely not, LNS brings a good point, could his Zuk with 33's and a rear locker go more places than lets say a Chevy truck with 33's and duel lockers..I bet so! But in order to keep with original theme of the run some capable vehicles could be excluded, but there will be more runs and like Holeski said...set up your own if your not Happy with certain rules!
cj8 Wrote:Not to sound like an ass but this is why i don't partisipate in to many club fuctions because of the whining and complaining,and as far as club requirements for trail rides,some should be set on specfic trails unless someone wants to be liable for the rig that doesen't make the grade,theres a few rigs ranging with 31's to 35's i don't feel would be capable of going were my Jeep can go and at the same point i know i couldn't follow Brads 66 but i know he would drag me around for the entertainment.What i used to see on the board with the club was if someone needed a pull or needed help fixing a rig on the trail everyone was there to help not point fingers as why they didn't,this is suppose to be fun.Since i haven't been on a run with the club and i'm just getting this from the forums if you think i'm out of place here feel free to bash.

Nope, not out of place...
Stompr, I Pm'd you to get it off this forum.
I wasn't trying to get things really riled up, I just new that what I was saying would. I talked to NBM the other night about all the rules. Personally, I love that wheeling is about getting away from stupidity because people have to be responsible for their actions on the trail. I generally odn't hit the trails with "BIG" 4x4's because what they do for fun (huge mud holes, 4 ft snow drifts) isn't too much to my liking and not what my truck is being built for. That said, if a trail boss was to say that they could expect huge 44" tire swallowing snow drifts I would either not go or ask for a seat. Somewhere common sense started to leave the discussion and rules started getting put in their place. I have met most of you and never in person have I had a disagreement about the trails. I bet we are all trying to get the same place (or quite similar) but approaching it from very different angles. I even appreciate a good mud bog, I swear, I just stick it out or watch someone else before I go through.....Then I toss someone my strap.
cj8 Wrote:Not to sound like an ass but this is why i don't partisipate in to many club fuctions because of the whining and complaining,and as far as club requirements for trail rides,some should be set on specfic trails unless someone wants to be liable for the rig that doesen't make the grade,theres a few rigs ranging with 31's to 35's i don't feel would be capable of going were my Jeep can go and at the same point i know i couldn't follow Brads 66 but i know he would drag me around for the entertainment.What i used to see on the board with the club was if someone needed a pull or needed help fixing a rig on the trail everyone was there to help not point fingers as why they didn't,this is suppose to be fun.Since i haven't been on a run with the club and i'm just getting this from the forums if you think i'm out of place here feel free to bash.

Sorry, I don't read every post sometimes, I agree with almost all of this except that I think the driver of a vehicle should ALWAYS take accountability for where they take it. I especially agree about the FUN part of it. :allrighty: :allrighty: :allrighty:

(BTW, I might be out of place myself, being a non-member)
I totally agree on setting requirements for rides. When Ryan posted up about 55 mile I just wanted to clarify he meant front and rear lockers not just one. It doesn't bother me not to go. I would love to ride along with someone and watch the big boys and Kelly hit the trail. And the other non big boys that meet the requirements. If you say hey everyone come along then you sit there all day watching people go back and forth trying to make it but in all reality they can't. I know I've done it in the past in other places and that is how I learned not to do it. You have to know when to say when. You have to know the limits of your rig. Some maybe haven't got to find that out fully. I hate excluding people from things that is why I hate to set up a run and it need requirements beyond the club rules. That is why I have shied away from clubs in the past. But I know it has to be done. I thought long and hard before even joining this one.

I just want to wheel. So anytime someone wants to go out and I'm off and meet requirements I'm down. I will help you if youg et stuck or break or whatever and hope you will do the same. I say if all the guys that can't make the 55 mile run want to out setup a run for somewhere you can so it gets more of the club involved. Just a thought. I still want to ride with someone on 55 mi.

Now with all that said. Lets all have fun and wheel.
Bottom line - MY FAULT. Stomper had mentioned me possibly taking over the trail boss duties via PM and I should have stepped up long before I missed the opportunity. I wasn't near the big group when the call was made - or didn't understand that he wasn't going to make it. TJ stepped up - thanks!

Second big deterrant of the day - "I" (notice that -- pointing only at myself) underestimated the difficulty of the trail conditions. If someone has information from past experience on how difficult a trail will be, please share! Don't speak up afterward - as that does little good. I figured we went up almost to 3 Kings one November when we had gotten more snow that we did this year - so I figured Saturday wouldn't be as hard - I WAS WRONG TO UNDERESTIMATE.

Thirdly - I hate excluding certain people/rigs. But trail conditions will dictate what level of modified vehicle will make it or will not. I drove to 3 Kings in 2 wheel drive last year. Not last Saturday. As unfortunate as it is, vehicle requirements in a group as big as ours need to be stated up front so we can actually move on the trail.

Fourth - We did attempt to break up into separate groups around 11 AM. This didn't work because we were too spread out with not enough trail to by-pass one another. TJ and I worked together to place the vehicles with the big rigs spread out, and winches every other vehicle. This was a good idea that turned out not to be. IN different trail conditions maybe, but not last Saturday.

Safety has to be a key. Communication needs to be better. People need to have a bit less pride - if that means getting out of the way so others can proceed, that's what it means. Please be considerate of others and listen. When you're out with one or two friends, as previously stated, thats a different story. When you're in a group of 10+ you need to think of the group's overall interest rather than you're own.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted a shot at that hill, too!
:popcorn: Not the model thread for recruitment. If you have issues with someone do it in pms not in public. This is embarrassing.
Just to make my self clear. I dont mind the talk about requirements....I am talking about calling people out....So baseball season started yesterday I believe? Is that true. :O) Yes of topic but trying to lighten the mood in this thread. Smile people dont worry about stuff. Do the right thing, when we make mistakes learn from it, move on. Got a problem with someone, grab a 6 pack head over there and work it out people. Dont make me put the group hug smiley on here lol.
where'd the post go? I asked if anyone wanted to go out the day before and rut it
That has to do with thoughts from the run how?
So after all this, BBQ at Factor's place...........Woo Hoo!!!!
Yeah on May XX after we get the furniture moved...BBQ will be pre positioned Friday night for a quick attack of the grilling goodness ofmy new arrr arr arrr (Tim Allen) grill. This is a recording.
oh never mind....:|
I closed this thread cause the bu!!sh!t got out of control. Got any questions, PM me

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