26 Oct 11, 08:09 am
Pete, Brian and I showed up last night. I spoke in front of the commission for about 15 minutes about our usergroup, AOAA, and trail closures. There is interest from some of them. They had a few suggestions on things one of which is there are three open spots on the commission. There is just no way I could do it. But there is someone putting in an application for a position. Let's hope the doctor gets on. I more or less was there to see how they do things and what problems they deal with. Got to talk to Tom Hancock, the trails coordinator for the borough, for a bit afterwards. One thing is something Brian had mentioned before and that was finding a big area and building a park for our usergroup. But this would require a lot of involvement from everyone in our usergroup. This has been talked about before and fizzled out quickly. this is something I'm going to try to persue. I'm also going to be meeting with him one day to go over some trails and access. Specifically Banner creek. this trail is in trouble.