12 Oct 11, 10:27 pm
You can't put FAO and AOAA in the same category. And personally i dint care about how FAO conducts business as this isnt about them. AOAA is trying to start up. It's not going to be perfect. We have had meetings and only the same the few people show up. It can't gain momentum if people sit back and do nothing. I see this same attitude in land use from many around here and other places. This is a chance to get a bigger voice but obviously some don't want that.
A united voice is more influential than your single voice. I really hope you change your mind. I also hope that others don't follow this thinking and actions. In the long run it will hurt us as it as hurt many other places before.
A united voice is more influential than your single voice. I really hope you change your mind. I also hope that others don't follow this thinking and actions. In the long run it will hurt us as it as hurt many other places before.