08 Jun 08, 06:03 am
The flats are always changing, year to year. And I'm sure there are some challenging spots - however... heed the caution of the other posts.
Do not leave your rig there unattended for any amount of time.
Go armed - and go with many friends who are armed (I'm not saying start a war - but be able to protect yourself... and most of the time just having a firearm visible will deter folks from starting trouble.)
I'd also advise to go in the daytime of a weekday- when most others won't be out there.
As well - have some of us on speedial.
And to explain Marek's post - river silt is incredibly fine sand that gets into everythinga dn destroys parts - bearings, gears, etc... without you even realizing it has invaded. For this reason most folks who have wheeled in it before are hesitant to take their rigs back.
With all that said - I'll also repeat that there can be some challenging and fun times had out there.
Oh - and glad you're back to wheelin again.
Do not leave your rig there unattended for any amount of time.
Go armed - and go with many friends who are armed (I'm not saying start a war - but be able to protect yourself... and most of the time just having a firearm visible will deter folks from starting trouble.)
I'd also advise to go in the daytime of a weekday- when most others won't be out there.
As well - have some of us on speedial.
And to explain Marek's post - river silt is incredibly fine sand that gets into everythinga dn destroys parts - bearings, gears, etc... without you even realizing it has invaded. For this reason most folks who have wheeled in it before are hesitant to take their rigs back.
With all that said - I'll also repeat that there can be some challenging and fun times had out there.
Oh - and glad you're back to wheelin again.