01 May 08, 04:24 pm
Ronster Wrote:ORV operators and passengers are required to wear a DOT, ANSI, or Shell Memorial Foundation certified helmet, impact or shatter resistant goggles or full face shield properly attached to the helmet, sturdy leather boots or over the ankle shoes, full-fingered gloves, long trousers, long-sleeved shirt of jacket. A high visibility brightly colored out upper garment during the day and retro-reflective for night.
I don't consider myself rebellious, but as far as wearing a helmet and reflective vest in my driver's seat...make me! On an ATV or dirtbike, well that's a no-brainer, but in a truck?
Let me go on record: I fully intend to break the rules by not wearing a helmet while driving my Jeep. If this precludes me from official AO runs on Army land, then so be it. I'll do it until stopped and ticketed and then I'll do it again. :lol: