01 Mar 07, 12:47 am
I think the hardest part would be either cutting your existing bed down to short box length, or finding another one the same color in good shape...The metal work on the frame and lines etc., no biggie IMO. The only part of the frame I would personally worry about, which is inherent in all 1/2-1 ton Chevys, is right where the steering box mounts...pretty much the only place they fail regularly. Simple fix is weld on frame brace kit, can be bought in town for under $100. Other than that your not going to find any real difference in the 1/2, 3/4 or 1 ton trucks other than running gear that will make a big difference.
By the way, that 84 in Anchorage...I'd be all over that like a fat kid on a jelly donut if I was looking for a rig...
By the way, that 84 in Anchorage...I'd be all over that like a fat kid on a jelly donut if I was looking for a rig...