12 Aug 06, 11:10 am
AKCJ8 Wrote:Any Rubicon owners out there have any problems they came across? With a dealer or the Jeep... Anyone have the auto? My right shoulder is in bad shape and my need orthoscopic work down the road. An auto my be the way I need to go...
My biggest problem has been getting good work out of Gene's. I had them install accessories bought with the Jeep and a little bit of warranty work. The offroad package install was a straight-up fiasco. I also had a bad front right outer axle seal that was leaking FAST. I dropped it off in the morning and when I came back at the end of the day they said "DUUHHH, we couldn't find the leak." I took the service manager out to the parking lot, got down on the ice, pointed to the puddle on the ground, dipped my finger in the gear oil in the steering knuckle and said "You're telling me they couldn't find that?"
And I've got plenty more stories... You'd hope a "trained technician" could put tail lights on correctly; not upside down and backwards. To save a few $$ I actually took it to them once and let them change the oil using the free scheduled service deal...now who could screw up an oil change? How hard is it to wipe the spilled oil out of a skid plate? It must be nearly impossible... I guess they figured a filter's worth of oil puddled on the skidplate wasn't that bad a mess...