20 Dec 06, 08:45 am
This is exactly my point if a rig is built without the intention of using it on a highway, but for off road use only I do not see the requirements to have it reg`ed. In a nutshell, It would fall into the class of ATV for state requirements, although it would be a OHV, and not granted the same access to trails as would a ATV. This is how I see it, if after reading thru all the regs you feel diffrent about it and want to err on the side of caution thats your call. As for me I will continue to side with our brothers who build or want to build "Trailer Queens" or Buggies for the sole purpose of off road enjoyment. This has been a viewpoint discussion and although I admittedly get defensive over citizens rights against the "Man" I will overstate what should be obvious, I have no issue with anyone here in regards to these conversations or anything else for that matter, nor do I feel like you are taking issue with me. Now back to your regularly scheduled web perusing.