08 Mar 06, 01:37 am
X-over solves the stock Chevy "lack of steering" issues at full stuff/droop. However, it greatly compounds the amount of lateral force put on the box, tie rod ends, drag link ends, steering arm, column and frame (even with lesser tires and an open diff). Without some "help", ie.- "hydraulic assist", you're begging for complete destruction. Been there, and done that multiple times (I'm a slow learner!).
If you're already running x-over steering, the hydraulic assist isn't all that expensive to do. The spendy part of the whole thing is getting the 2wd box, and you've already got it. The rest is just the ram, hoses and fittings. $250 from West Texas Offroad will get you all that. Just drill/tap your existing 2wd box, and install the fittings/hoses & ram. OR, go price a ram, Aeroquip fittings and hoses from your local hydraulic shop. You may find you can get everything you need locally for less, and avoid the shipping cost to boot. And there are simple ways to tweak your box to get more pressure out of it.
If you're already running x-over steering, the hydraulic assist isn't all that expensive to do. The spendy part of the whole thing is getting the 2wd box, and you've already got it. The rest is just the ram, hoses and fittings. $250 from West Texas Offroad will get you all that. Just drill/tap your existing 2wd box, and install the fittings/hoses & ram. OR, go price a ram, Aeroquip fittings and hoses from your local hydraulic shop. You may find you can get everything you need locally for less, and avoid the shipping cost to boot. And there are simple ways to tweak your box to get more pressure out of it.