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Trails advisory comission
The Trails Advisory Commission (TAC) next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 at 6: 00 P.M., in Blue Room at Pioneer Park. For additional information contact the Borough Parks & Recreation Department at 459-1070.

Hopefully some can make it out to this. We need to start making a presence at these. Even if the meeting isn't going to be about trails we use. Time to get our sport out there and protect it.
If we don't speak up for us, certainly no one else will.
I actually am putting this on my schedule. I have been emailing Eric from interior trails & he recommended keeping display of force...I'll post some of his reply later in the elbesan acres thread
I may not be able to make it. Tuesdays are bad for me.
I have class that night, but i might be able to arrange an absence to attend.
How cool would it be to have the majority of AO and their families show up and make a statement of presence?
I think the more people that show up the better. I joined up with AO for many reasons, the people, the wheeling, the build knowledge and to wheel in legal areas- which are being taken away. I have since aqcuired the desire to stand up and be proactive so I can continue to enjoy these things.
That's the day my kids have surgery.......
Just by that statement I know who is doing the surgery. They are in good hands.
Good to note
Bump for the meeting tonight. Hope to see a few people there.
akram Wrote:The Trails Advisory Commission (TAC) next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 at 6: 00 P.M., in Blue Room at Pioneer Park.

??? tonight is the 18th. I might be able to make it out of class AT 6:00 if its tonight. I am teh presenter so I get to decide how quickly this class goes Big Grin
My bad. I got my days all screwed up.
Its ok Mel, you arent the only one to try and show up REALLY early to these things. Big Grin
Ok the meeting is tonight. See you all there tonight.
Pete, Brian and I showed up last night. I spoke in front of the commission for about 15 minutes about our usergroup, AOAA, and trail closures. There is interest from some of them. They had a few suggestions on things one of which is there are three open spots on the commission. There is just no way I could do it. But there is someone putting in an application for a position. Let's hope the doctor gets on. I more or less was there to see how they do things and what problems they deal with. Got to talk to Tom Hancock, the trails coordinator for the borough, for a bit afterwards. One thing is something Brian had mentioned before and that was finding a big area and building a park for our usergroup. But this would require a lot of involvement from everyone in our usergroup. This has been talked about before and fizzled out quickly. this is something I'm going to try to persue. I'm also going to be meeting with him one day to go over some trails and access. Specifically Banner creek. this trail is in trouble.
They mentioned that Banner trails are in trouble due to the heavy mining activity that is to take place in the near future. One thing I learned from the meeting is that there is an easement application to gain access to trails to run through private property. There was a bunch of rules, tax breaks (for property owners) and regulations that I was unfamiliar with. maybe Mel or Brian could chime in on that here.
The deal with that Pete is it's for the land owner. They have to apply for the easement. they do everything and get a tax relief for their property. It is a revokable easement though. And the problem they are facing is that most don't want to go through the process to do it. And the property owner has the righ to specify what type of use is allowed on their easement no matter what type of trail it is. I'm trying to do some research on banner area now and other areas but it's hard when I have other work to do.[COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 12:56 pm ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 pm ----------

[/COLOR]Also I need to look at my maps and GPS to get some coordinates and an idea of where some things are. I've been looking at the borough GIS map but I believe our entrance into Banner is not the borough. I know our entrance is in game unit 20D. But it cuts back to borough property and state property in spots.

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