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Any other members go sledding?
My group of sledding buddies has become much smaller over the years. Do any of you guys in the club go to Summit ro Cantwell to go play in the steep and deep? If so let me know and maybe we can get out there one of these weekends that we don't have a ride planned. As far as I know it's just me an Ole with mountian sleds. Let me know if anyone is interested.
I go but haven't been on my sled in over a year.
I went to summit yesterday. Snow was deep. Wet and heavy though.
Had to ride out with a broken wrist.
I guess that's what I get for riding in flat light conditions.:lol:
I don't have a sled, nor very much experience, but have some friends in Delta with extra sleds they'll loan me anytime I want. So a Sat trip could be a possibility - but I'll need schooling on when to do what and what not to do when.
Kev, don't do whatever Ole did!

Ole, so the snow was good other than the lighting conditions?
I rode cantwell sunday, snow was pretty good kinda crusty in spots but well worth the trip.

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