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Blazer Bently Recovered
So last night I get a call from a stuck Bentlyjd who had gone out to help a friend who was stuck at 9 mile (across form the old MJ rentals). While he went out by himself, I will say, he went to help someone who was stuck. Got them out, and then when he got stuck that person sat and watched rather than attempting to try to unstick him. Rolleyes Maybe it's a coin flip - attempt and possibly have 2 stuck vehicles and no way out, or wait on dry ground for reinforcements...

Anyhow... I called Geoff (because he knows what being stuck out there is like!) Forrest, and Ryan. Ryan had a fussy kid, Forrest and Geoff met me at the old MJ Rentals, and we proceeded to try and find the stuck peoples. After one missed turn and a turn around we found him. His rear tire stuck in a deep hole and his diff sitting on an underwater high spot

[Image: HPIM4188.jpg]

[Image: HPIM4187.jpg]

A quick pull from a strap with D-rings and he was good. He went back out through the same hole, on a different line. Then Forrest, Geoff, and myself had to run through the mud a few times as well.

Bently's blazer was not so healthy - due to some not so good advice from someone who re-timed it and then told him he didn't need to tighten down the distributor bolt! Thus Geoffs mention of the black smoke in the I spy thread. He is going to swing in here and let me re-time it and we'll tighten the dist down and hopefuly not have these issues again.

Thanks to all for coming out to "help" Although actual hands on help wasn't needed, it was there if there was a need, and it emphasized the point to not go out alone - even if you're just going to help someone else out of a stuck. Ya never know what you'll find when you get there.
Good times. I made it home just after 11. Kev?
Sorry I couldn't make it, glad to see others showed up. The kid wasn't in a good mood and the wife had to be to work this morning, no way I'm leaving at quarter to ten like that...would have been a cold night on the couch when I got back!
Thanks Ryan. Like I wasn't outshined enough anyway.
Figured you had enough bow-tie this weekend

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