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TJVigilante Wrote:Yeah, I said only if it's used in winter. If you're out on the snow in a wide/lowpressure tire ATV, and you get pulled, I think you have to have a registration.
First off we are talking about a trail rig not a ATV, no way they can have a double standard and say it is a low tire pressure rig and needs to be reg`ed but not allow it on other ATV acceptable trails where low tire pressure is a requirement. Also I have a hard time believing they would require anything other than maybe a MAx/Argo to be reg`ed as a snow vehicle. Again for the purposes of this topic a trail only rig had no reg requirements as I see it.
As you see it and as a trooper, DNR, or Forestry service individual would see it could be very different things.
Banter back and forth. I see your points, but let's no be searching to one up each other.

So here is NOT an opinion or interpretation:

The I/M program has no juristiction on unregistered vehicles. DEC has juristiction and a memorandom of understanding with the FNSB to enforce the emissions requirement. If they see a highway vehicle being operated in the FNSB, regardless of where, they should be citing you and requiring you to comply with the I/M/Registration requirements within a 14 days period.

Feel free to search away on the AAC and statues that put all this together. If you do research this completely, let us know what the loopholes REALLY are. Shaun at DEC: 451-2191. Big Grin
AKMark Wrote:As you see it and as a trooper, DNR, or Forestry service individual would see it could be very different things.
Thats true the dont always understand the law, nor do I and the have the power so evn if I am right it would be a long drawn out fight.
Kelly I am not trying to one up anybody just trying to help someone build a rig that can be run without issue, I also believ it was your recommendation at one time to turn in the plates and run it as a OHV.
STOMPR Wrote:Kelly I am not trying to one up anybody just trying to help someone build a rig that can be run without issue, I also believ it was your recommendation at one time to turn in the plates and run it as a OHV.

not a recommendation, just a possible solution to a particular problem. That's why I said to research it and tell us the loopholes. Big Grin
I wonder if Kev has done any research on this?
You think Kev would drive the skitzo in the winter?!
I found:!3A!27as2810011!27%5D/doc/%7B@12177%7D? Wrote:
Every vehicle driven, moved, or parked upon a highway or other public parking place in the state shall be registered under this chapter except when the vehicle is
[Image: tab.gif](1) driven or moved on a highway only for the purpose of crossing the highway from one private property to another, including an implement of husbandry as defined by regulation;
[Image: tab.gif](2) driven or moved on a highway under a dealer's plate or temporary permit as provided for in AS 28.10.031 and 28.10.181(j);
[Image: tab.gif](3) special mobile equipment as defined by regulation;
[Image: tab.gif](4) owned by the United States;
[Image: tab.gif](5) moved by human or animal power;
[Image: tab.gif](6) exempt under 50 U.S.C. App. 501-591 (Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act);
[Image: tab.gif](7) driven or parked only on private property;
[Image: tab.gif](8) the vehicle of a nonresident as provided under AS 28.10.121 ;
[Image: tab.gif](9) transported under a special permit under AS 28.10.151 ;
[Image: tab.gif](10) being driven or moved on a highway, vehicular way, or a public parking place in the state that is not connected by a land highway or vehicular way to
[Image: tab.gif](A) the land-connected state highway system; or
[Image: tab.gif](B) a highway or vehicular way with an average daily traffic volume greater than 499;
[Image: tab.gif](11) an implement of husbandry operated in accordance with the provisions of AS 19.10.065 ;
[Image: tab.gif](12) an electric personal motor vehicle.
Lines of interest are 7and 10 A and B.

Unless he only drives on private property, he has to get it registered. If the trails branch off of a public highway, as are most of our trails (if not all), then he needs a registration. As far as I can tell.

55 Mile may be safe in the fact that the trail is not a mapped road. Fairbanks Creek is...I think Banner is, not sure about Rainbow...Standard Creek/Cache Creek that we just ran are mapped roads that meet up to two highways(old Nenana and Murphy Dome Road). this offroad park would likely not be considered public because it would probably be gated, hence become private land.
sevenslats Wrote:You think Kev would drive the skitzo in the winter?!
Only after heater installation - which is actually in the plans! Big Grin

As well - if I trailered it to Banner - that is outside of FNSB! And Delta has no IM requirements, so.... Rolleyes
Ah, therein lies the may not need IM tags but you still need registration...those statutes are for the entire state of you need it registered in the area you live, which would be you need IM. Again, as far as I can tell from the legalese I posted.
I believe what I was getting at was a highway vehicle. You may successfully argue that the schitzo isn't one unless you add all the equipment required by the state to operate on the highway. As it is now, I (my own opinion) would believe it is safe to call it an offroad vehicle.

This sounds too much like work to me....Sad
This is exactly my point if a rig is built without the intention of using it on a highway, but for off road use only I do not see the requirements to have it reg`ed. In a nutshell, It would fall into the class of ATV for state requirements, although it would be a OHV, and not granted the same access to trails as would a ATV. This is how I see it, if after reading thru all the regs you feel diffrent about it and want to err on the side of caution thats your call. As for me I will continue to side with our brothers who build or want to build "Trailer Queens" or Buggies for the sole purpose of off road enjoyment. This has been a viewpoint discussion and although I admittedly get defensive over citizens rights against the "Man" I will overstate what should be obvious, I have no issue with anyone here in regards to these conversations or anything else for that matter, nor do I feel like you are taking issue with me. Now back to your regularly scheduled web perusing.
STOMPR Wrote:This has been a viewpoint discussion and although I admittedly get defensive over citizens rights against the "Man" I will overstate what should be obvious, I have no issue with anyone here in regards to these conversations or anything else for that matter, nor do I feel like you are taking issue with me. Now back to your regularly scheduled web perusing.

Well, I could list the issues I have with you but they would take up too much bandwidth! Big Grin
Thanks Man I appreciate it.
Discussed this a bit yesterday with Kelly. We were wondering if a vehicle such as Skitzo could be registered similar to an Argo or other larger than 4-wheeler yet also off road vehicle. They also sell insurance - liability insurance - for such off road vehicles that covers the driver up to like 40K that would help us possibly get past the registration and insurance rules. We will be looking into it - Kelly said he had some magic numbers.

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