07 Dec 14, 09:25 pm
Pulled this off the web and pasted.
Caught a bit of it in the paper.
URGENT: Senate Vote Tuesday December 9thSenate Defense Budget Measure hijacked with Natural ResourcesCommittee omnibus. Filibuster is needed.Sealaska land bill has been inappropriately attached to the National Defense+Authorization Act - vital funding for our US military. Totally unrelated bills that+would never pass on their own have been forced past public scrutiny by combiningthem as a package, and quickly, without review attaching them to a traditionally"clean" military budget.The sort of behavior that has infuriated people across the country.Long opposed by AOC. The Sealaska bill devastates public resource usersaccess and use through a totally unwarranted and undeserved transferof cherry picked public lands to the Sealaska native corporation.+The bill is a very calculated "camel's nose" under the tent to reopen theAlaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). Expect a flood of new native+corporation land claims across the state - devastating access and use nearyou.Once the balance of the original deal is upset through the special undeservedtreatment of Sealaska - the door is open for a flood, insisting on "equitable"treatment and re-visitation of claims.+------------------------------------Across the country conservative press and proponents of a clean militarybudget are outraged that a vital bill has been littered with a virtual grabbag of unrelated pet projects and land use lock out bills.Including:- 275,000 acres designated as new Wilderness Areas;+- A Women's History Museum;+- Four new National Parks seven National Park studies for new parks to be;+- 16 National Heritage Area land protection extensions;+- Three new Wild and Scenic River (WSR) designations and three new WSR+studies that are expected to become new designations; and- Land entitlement for Sealaska, an Alaska Native Regional CorporationIn spite of strong opposition and the absurdity of attaching a garbage canfull of pet projects and park bills to a vital military budget passage is+certain unless a filibuster takes place for the removal of the offending+Natural Resource Committee package.+Contact outspoken opponents of the Natural Resources Committee omnibus:Senator Ted Cruz (TX) and Senator Thomas Coburn (OK). Encourage them tofilibuster until the Natural Resources Committee package is removed from+the National Defense Authorization Act. Thank them for their leadership.============================The Honorable Senator Ted Cruz (TX)185 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510(202) [email]224-5922Paul_Teller@cruz.senate.gov+,+catherine_frazier@cruz.senate.gov+,+hunter_rome@cruz.senate.gov[/email]+The Honorable Senator Thomas Coburn (OK)172 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510(202) [email]224-5754Brian_Treat@coburn.senate.gov+;+bryan_berky@coburn.senate.gov[/email]+Contact your Alaskan Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich and let them know of your disaproval.Senator Lisa Murkowski email contact:http://www.murkowski.senate.gov/public/ ... /emaillisaSenator Mark BegichBob_Doehl@begich.senate.gov============================More Information:Congress Includes Land Grab Provisions in National Defense Authorizationhttp://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014 ... horizationConservatives push back against parks provisions in defense billhttp://thehill.com/policy/energy-enviro ... fense-billMilitary TimesDefense bill hits snag over land swaps, wildernesshttp://www.militarytimes.com/story/mili ... /19878999/Please forward this email on to everyone on your friendly email list.+If this email was forwarded to you:Join AOC and receive your own AOC email alert. Join online at+http://www.alaskaoutdoorcouncil.org,If you need to update your information or request a mail in membership form you may send an email tomembership@alaskaoutdoorcouncil.com+Thank you for your support+Sincerely,+Bill IversonPresidentAlaska Outdoor Council"Protecting your Hunting, Trapping, Fishing and Access Rights"310 K Street, Suite 200Anchorage, Alaska 99501Phone: (907) 264-6645+Fax: (888) 932-3353Email:+president@alaskaoutdoorcouncil.comWeb site:+http://www.alaskaoutdoorcouncil.org_________________
Caught a bit of it in the paper.
URGENT: Senate Vote Tuesday December 9thSenate Defense Budget Measure hijacked with Natural ResourcesCommittee omnibus. Filibuster is needed.Sealaska land bill has been inappropriately attached to the National Defense+Authorization Act - vital funding for our US military. Totally unrelated bills that+would never pass on their own have been forced past public scrutiny by combiningthem as a package, and quickly, without review attaching them to a traditionally"clean" military budget.The sort of behavior that has infuriated people across the country.Long opposed by AOC. The Sealaska bill devastates public resource usersaccess and use through a totally unwarranted and undeserved transferof cherry picked public lands to the Sealaska native corporation.+The bill is a very calculated "camel's nose" under the tent to reopen theAlaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). Expect a flood of new native+corporation land claims across the state - devastating access and use nearyou.Once the balance of the original deal is upset through the special undeservedtreatment of Sealaska - the door is open for a flood, insisting on "equitable"treatment and re-visitation of claims.+------------------------------------Across the country conservative press and proponents of a clean militarybudget are outraged that a vital bill has been littered with a virtual grabbag of unrelated pet projects and land use lock out bills.Including:- 275,000 acres designated as new Wilderness Areas;+- A Women's History Museum;+- Four new National Parks seven National Park studies for new parks to be;+- 16 National Heritage Area land protection extensions;+- Three new Wild and Scenic River (WSR) designations and three new WSR+studies that are expected to become new designations; and- Land entitlement for Sealaska, an Alaska Native Regional CorporationIn spite of strong opposition and the absurdity of attaching a garbage canfull of pet projects and park bills to a vital military budget passage is+certain unless a filibuster takes place for the removal of the offending+Natural Resource Committee package.+Contact outspoken opponents of the Natural Resources Committee omnibus:Senator Ted Cruz (TX) and Senator Thomas Coburn (OK). Encourage them tofilibuster until the Natural Resources Committee package is removed from+the National Defense Authorization Act. Thank them for their leadership.============================The Honorable Senator Ted Cruz (TX)185 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510(202) [email]224-5922Paul_Teller@cruz.senate.gov+,+catherine_frazier@cruz.senate.gov+,+hunter_rome@cruz.senate.gov[/email]+The Honorable Senator Thomas Coburn (OK)172 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510(202) [email]224-5754Brian_Treat@coburn.senate.gov+;+bryan_berky@coburn.senate.gov[/email]+Contact your Alaskan Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich and let them know of your disaproval.Senator Lisa Murkowski email contact:http://www.murkowski.senate.gov/public/ ... /emaillisaSenator Mark BegichBob_Doehl@begich.senate.gov============================More Information:Congress Includes Land Grab Provisions in National Defense Authorizationhttp://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014 ... horizationConservatives push back against parks provisions in defense billhttp://thehill.com/policy/energy-enviro ... fense-billMilitary TimesDefense bill hits snag over land swaps, wildernesshttp://www.militarytimes.com/story/mili ... /19878999/Please forward this email on to everyone on your friendly email list.+If this email was forwarded to you:Join AOC and receive your own AOC email alert. Join online at+http://www.alaskaoutdoorcouncil.org,If you need to update your information or request a mail in membership form you may send an email tomembership@alaskaoutdoorcouncil.com+Thank you for your support+Sincerely,+Bill IversonPresidentAlaska Outdoor Council"Protecting your Hunting, Trapping, Fishing and Access Rights"310 K Street, Suite 200Anchorage, Alaska 99501Phone: (907) 264-6645+Fax: (888) 932-3353Email:+president@alaskaoutdoorcouncil.comWeb site:+http://www.alaskaoutdoorcouncil.org_________________