Arctic Offroad Forums

Full Version: anyone not at meet and greet with a trailer?
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I have my old toyota here in birchwood and I need to take it to the transfersite at farmers loop and drop it off (about 5-6 miles) I want to pull the axles once its there. It has to be trailerd because I used the steering shaft for my new rig, i am available sat, sun, or mon. I need to get it out of here before the 2nd of july. if anyone could help me out. I have gas money. its mostly dismantled so its real light.
Take it to the city Dump down at the end of Easy st. It's closer and if I'm not mistaken you are allowed 4 or 5 a year for free. You could take the axles off at your place (on the trailer) they have a fork lift to unload it there. Easy stuff man.


if I get a hoouse this week and get the trailer unloaded, it will be freed up. More to come...
My trailer is available now if you need it.